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Bella pie maker instructions manual download. The SPL De-Verb Plus Microplug delivers part of the same magical envelope shaping provided by the original Transient Designer hardware, replicating the attenuation provided by the Sustain knob that shortens the decay of your sounds. It uses the same processing technique, known as Differential Envelope Technology, which revolutionized dynamic processing with its level-independent methodology.

With just one knob that allows the decay of a sound to be reduced or even eliminated, De-Verb Plus also sports a soft peak limiter and a dry/wet control, allowing total flexibility across a wide range of content and a worry-free workflow in the digital world. And with over a decade of hardware modeling experience, Brainworx has impregnated the De-Verb Plus with a core algorithm that matches the behavior of the original Transient Designer unit closer than ever before.

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Working with the De-Verb Plus is disarmingly simple: All reverb events can be reduced – regardless of their signal level. This translates to endless possibilities for studio and live applications! Decay curves of any sound event can be reduced very simply, with just the turn of a single knob. The De-Verb Plus also offers an output gain control that allows compensation for level changes after processing the signal. This, combined with the onboard peak limiter and dry/wet control, ensure a simple and safe adjustment of levels while avoiding internal clipping and shaping the decay characteristics of your sound.

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Shorten the sustain period of a snare in a very musical way. Reduce tom tom ring without physically damping them. Adjust the apparent “distance” of the microphone by simply varying the Reverb Reduction value. A perfect alternative to noise gates! With the De-Verb Plus Microplug, the decay period is shortened more musically compared to fixed release times – within seconds a drum set is significantly freed from unwanted room info.

“You have cracked the analog code!” That was the response from a hardware developer during listening tests of SPL’s plugin technology. The phrase quickly became associated with SPL to such a degree that the company decided it was the perfect name for their digital product line. And thus, SPL’s Analog Code brand was born.

SPL hardware products can be found in the world’s most renowned facilities, and have become a staple for audio professionals ranging from home studio owners to top mastering engineers. With the growth of computer based audio systems, the need for the SPL sound in the form of a plugin has also grown. With Analog Code plugins, that coveted SPL sound can now be right inside your DAW.

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