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Griffiths D.J. Introduction to electrodynamics (
3ed., PH, 1999)(T)(596s).djvu
Griffiths D.J. Introduction to elementary particles
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Griffiths D.J. Introduction to quantum mechanics
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Walls D.F., Milburn G.J. Quantum optics(T)(370s).djvu
Waner S. Introduction to Differential Geometry and General
Weinberg S - The Quantum Theory Of Fields Vol 1 Foundations (Cup
Weinberg S - Quantum Theory Of Fields Vol 2 - Modern Applications
Weinberg S. Quantum field theory, vol. 3. Supersymmetry (CUP,
Sakurai J J Modern Quantum Mechanics (Aw, 1994)(T)(513S).djvu
Schmidt V.V. The physics of semiconductors.springer.djvu
Shankar R. Principles of quantum mechanics (2ed., Plenum,
Jacksons J.D. Classical electrodynamics (Wiley, 1962)(T)(656s).djvu
Jacksons Classical Electrodynamics (Solutions).pdf
Jacksons J.D. A Companion to Classical Electrodynamics 3rd Edition.pdf
Peskin and Schroeder - Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.djvu
Phillips A.C. Introduction to quantum mechanics (Wiley,
Ballentine L Quantum Mechanics - A Modern Development
Cohen-Tannoudji Introduction to quantum electrodynamics.djvu
Cohen-Tannoudji.Quantum mechanics, vol.1.djvu
Cohen-Tannoudji.Quantum mechanics, vol.2.djvu
Greiner W. Quantum mechanics, an introduction (4ed., Springer,
Greiner W., Mueller B. Quantum mechanics. symmetries
(2ed., Springer, 1994)(600dpi)(L)(T)(258s).djvu
Aitchison, Hey. Gauge theories in particle physics vol 1
Arias J.M., Lozano M. (eds.) Advanced course in modern nuclear physics
(Springer, LNP 581, 2001)(T)(342s).djvu
Baez J.C., Muniain J.P. Gauge theories, knots, and gravity
(WS, 1994)(L)(T)(239s).djvu
Baez, Segal, Zhou. Introduction to Algebraic and
Constructive Quantum Field Theory (PUP, 1992)(T)(154s).djvu
Bell J Speakable And Unspeakable In Quantum Mechanics (Cup,
Bitsadze A.V. Equations of mathematical physics (Mir,
Bitsatze A.V. Equations of mathematical physics (Mir,
Brown L.S. Quantum Field Theory (CUP, 1992)(L)(T)(277s).djvu
Callan C.J. Topics in advanced quantum mechanics (Princeton lectures,
Chung T.J. Computational fluid dynamics (CUP, 2002)(T)(1022s).djvu
Courant-Hilbert - Methods of mathematical physics - 1.djvu
Debnath L., Mikusinski P. Introduction to Hilbert spaces with
applications (AP, 1990)(L)(T)(261s).djvu
DeWitt. Quantum field theory in curved spacetime (PR19,
Dictionary of pure and applied physics (CRC, 2001)(T)(382s).djvu
Fain B. Irreversibilities in Quantum Mechanics (Kluwer,
Feynman Mathematical Formulation Of Quantum Electrodynamics (Phys Rev
80, 1950)(T)(18S).djvu
Jezykowa EN].(
Gambini R., Pullin J. Loops, knots, gauge theories and quantum gravity
(CUP, 1996).djvu
Geometry, topology and physics.djvu
Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (3rd edition,english,686s).djvu
Gravitation and gauge fields (1999).djvu
Gravitation. an introduction to current research (Wiley, 1962).djvu
Greiner Termodynamics and Stat.Mechanics(400dpi)(T)(480s).djvu
Greiner W. Classical mechanics. Point particles and relativity
(Springer, 2004)(T)(510s).djvu
Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics. a conceptual approach (Wiley,
Hestenes D. Spacetime calculus, with applications to electrodynamics,
quantum theory and gravitation (draft)(T)(73s).djvu
Hirth JP, Lothe J. Theory of Dislocations (Wiley, 1982)(T)(435s).djvu
Huang K Statistical Mechanics (2Ed , Wiley, 1987)(T)(506S).djvu
Jackson J.D. Classical electrodynamics (Wiley, 1962)(T)(656s).djvu
Kivelson, Russell (eds.). Introduction to space physics (CUP,
Liddle A. Introduction to modern cosmology (2ed., Wiley,
Mathematics - Calculus Of Variations With Applications To Physics &
Engineering - Robert Weinstock - Dover Publications (Djvu).djvu
Millikan RA. - A First Course In Physics.djvu
Muga J.G., Mayato R.S., Egusquiza I.L. Time in quantum mechanics
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Nikitin, Boyko, Popovich (eds.). Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical
Physics (Kiiv, 2001)(T)(784s).djvu
Physics - Photons And Atoms - Introduction To Quantum
Prugovecki E. Quantum mechanics in Hilbert space (AP,
Puri R.R. Mathematical methods of quantum optics (Springer,
Reed Simon - Modern Mathematical Physics.djvu
Schiff L.I. Quantum mechanics (MGH, 1949)(T)(417s).djvu
Snieder. A Guided Tour of Mathematical Physics (1998, 267s).djvu
Stewart J. Advanced general relativity (CUP, 1991)(L)(T)(118s).djvu
Sussman G J , Wisdom J , Meyer M E Structure And Interpretation Of
Classical Mechanics (Mit, 2000)(T)(527S).djvu
Thaller B. The Dirac equation (Springer, 1992)(L)(T)(187s).djvu
Welford W - Useful Optics(T)(76S).djvu
Ziman J.M. Elements of advanced quantum theory (CUP,
Zwiebach B. A first course in string theory(T)(369s).djvu
Benjamin Crowell - Optics.pdf
Chow T.L. Mathematical methods for physicists. a concise introduction
(CUP, 2000)(569s).pdf
Ebook(PDF) Mathematics - An Introductory To Electromagnetics.pdf
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Feynman's Simple Quantum Mechanics (Taylor).pdf
First Course in string theory - B. Zwiebach.pdf
Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups.pdf
Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics. a conceptual approach (Wiley,
Handbook of Mathematical Functions - Abramowitz - Stegun - .pdf
Liddle A. Introduction to modern cosmology (2ed., Wiley,
Linear Algebra (Prentice-Hall, Edition 2, 1971).pdf
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Misc/The Discrete Laplace Z Transform.pdf
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Ramanujan Notebooks/Ramanujan Notebooks II.pdf
Ramanujan Notebooks/Ramanujan Notebooks III.pdf
Saltsidis P., Brinne B. Solutions to problems in Sakurai's Quantum
Mechanics (1999).pdf
Solutions to Sakurai's Probls. in Quantum Mechanics.pdf
Springer Verlag - 2002 - J.D. Murray - Mathematical Biology. An
Introduction - Third Edition - ISBN 0387952233 - 576s - EEn.pdf
CRC Concise Encyclopedia- Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia
Mathematics 1.pdf
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Mathematics 2.pdf
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