Victoria 2 Napoleon Legacy
- Napoleon's Legacy Mod
- Victoria 2 Napoleon's Legacy
- Napoleon's Achievements And Legacy
- Victoria 2 Napoleon S Legacy

A victoria 2 mod based on Napoleon's Legacy and PDM as well as afew additions that I made myself, this is. Victoria 2 Flag Replacement pack. This is Napoleon's Legacy, an alt-history mod where the Napoleonic French Empire was triumphant and enforced its territorial gains. We will be leading Prussia to victory, and hopefully unify. Napoleon's Tomb Though the French Revolution was a failure in France, thanks to Napoleon its ideals spread throughout Europe. As his soldiers marched they carried with them ideas of equality.
Napoleon's Legacy Mod
- I now have the entire project in its own GitHub repository. See
- When I finish my North America rework, this pastebin will only link to the github
- Download (ONLY 3.04):
- Ideas and Problems:
- Ignore this section, doesn't mean anything-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Porting latest HPM over (Still in progress as of 10/15)
- -Redid Union-Imperial Australian conflict (removed unnecessary decisions that would never be taken, and removed useless modifiers).
- -Replaced Union-Imperial Australian flags with the respective government flags from Australia.
- -Restructured most events/decisions file for ease of access.
- -Gave correct country colors to Austria-Hungary and Danubian Federation.
- -Rewrote 'The New Confederation' decision localization for Peru, and made sure Peru doesn't get infinite infamy claiming Bolivia.
- -Reshaped Hanover and Hamburg to look slightly nicer.
- -Repurposed #2681 (Yamalia-Russia) to Connaught-Ireland as Westport to act as the British port in Ireland.
- -Renamed The Britains file to Britains, and edited file, removing bloat and simplifying events.
- -Added Italian cores to Italian lands, and changed up all events/decisions regarding Italian formation.
- -Corrected noculture in #83. anglo -> anglo_canadian.
- -Removed truces relating to Chitral and Lahej, since they wouldn't apply to this timeline.
- -Added missing CAN core to #1724 (Orkney and Shetland).
- -Gave #545 (Neustrelitz) to Mecklenburg, since Hesse-Kassel shouldn't even be there.
- -France is given the chance to return the land around Jutland Peninsula to the Rheinbund, Danish, or Prussians.
- -Established new Rheinbund situation as a loose confederation.
- -New Rheinbund events relating to their centralization, and enforcement of the power of the government.
- -Added scottish as accepted to the British Union.
- -Ensured Reino Unido will never colonize Gran Chaco.
- -Changed South Africa's requirement to annex Boer states from Nationalism and Imperialism to State and Government.
- -Renamed Prussian land gain decisions and gave pictures.
- -Edited PLC's choosing allies event to make them more likely to select the french, and 10% for Russia, Austria, Prussia, and alone.
- -Adjusted event that determines whether Lucca is split or annexed by French, or left as is.
- -Changed Irelands opinion of France from Cordial to Friendly
- -Irish chain will not start if they are allied with France, and can only start if the Irish are not in the French sphere.
- -Gave Irish decisions pictures, same for AFA declaration.
- -Added Malayan countries to Dutch Indonesian Expansion
- -Changed most of British pops in Ulster to Scottish based off the Plantation of Ireland.
- -Changed a good portion of British pops in Scotland to Scottish, primarily Edinburgh and Glasgow.
- -Implemented HPM Libya and other province changes.
- -Removed South German and Northern Italian as accepted from Illyria.
- -Bavaria regained Tirol lands, since they should never have been returned to Austria.
- -Created event to handle Tirolean land with it either becoming Austrian or not.
- -Implemented most HPM changes, such as events, tech names, country-colors, and decisions.
- -Renamed event-modifiers to more rational names and removed unused modifiers. Also placed mod modifier at top of file.
- -Austria can now form Austria-Hungary and Danubian Confederation now.
- -Moved Austrian events to their own file.
- -Gran Colombia now owns Marabitanas and Puca Urco becuase they historically held those lands. Adjusted current events to work with new land ownership.
- -The British Empire now holds #2200 (Bluefields).
- -Corrected typo in PLC expansion, also restructured decision ordering.
- -Lowered Native Confederation pops by around 200k since the area was illogically highly populated
- -Gave Native Confederation larger OOB and unique general Black Hawk
- -Prussia has HPM generals, same for British Empire
- -Changed starting map position to hover above Paris
- -Renamed New England to Boston Commonwealth
- -Renamed Native Confederation to Illinois Confederation
- -Renamed German, Belgian, Spanish, and Italian provinces in France to their French counterpart, created decisions to switch between the two versions of languages
- -The British Empire now owns the Columbia area since the Hudson's Bay Company never held that land. Also altered events/decisions to work.
- -Removed capital changing decisions and merged them with the HPM version.
- -Removed Palatinate and Cologne tags, replaced them with Rhineland tags
- -Spain will annex Catalonia if it owns Madrid during the dismantlement of the Coalition of Nations
- -Fixed Johore having its land as colonial possessions.
- -Added anglo_canadian pops to York Factory.
- Changes before 0.3.2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Albertine monarchy

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Victoria, in full Alexandrina Victoria, (born May 24, 1819, Kensington Palace, London, England—died January 22, 1901, Osborne, near Cowes, Isle of Wight), queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837–1901) and empress of India (1876–1901). She was the last of the house of Hanover and gave her name to an era, the Victorian Age. During her reign the British monarchy took on its modern ceremonial character. She and her husband, Prince Consort Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, had nine children, through whose marriages were descended many of the royal families of Europe.
Why is Victoria famous?
Victoria was queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837–1901) and empress of India (1876–1901). Her reign was one of the longest in British history, and the Victorian Age was named after her.
What was Victoria’s childhood like?
Victoria’s father died when she was a baby. Neverwinter nights cheats item codes. She was raised by her mother at Kensington Palace and had a lonely childhood until she became queen at the age of 18.
When did Victoria marry?
Victoria married her first cousin Albert, prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, on February 10, 1840.
What were Victoria’s children’s names?
Victoria 2 Napoleon's Legacy
Victoria had nine children: Victoria (1840–1901), the princess royal; Albert Edward (1841–1910), who became King Edward VII; Alice (1843–78); Alfred (1844–1900); Helena (1846–1923); Louise (1848–1939); Arthur (1850–1942); Leopold (1853–84); and Beatrice (1857–1944). Through their marriages, many of the royal families of Europe were descended from Victoria.
Victoria first learned of her future role as a young princess during a history lesson when she was 10 years old. Almost four decades later Victoria’s governess recalled that the future queen reacted to the discovery by declaring, “I will be good.” This combination of earnestness and egotism marked Victoria as a child of the age that bears her name. The queen, however, rejected important Victorian values and developments. Although she hated pregnancy and childbirth, detested babies, and was uncomfortable in the presence of children, Victoria reigned in a society that idealized both motherhood and the family. She had no interest in social issues, yet the 19th century in Britain was an age of reform. She resisted technological change even while mechanical and technological innovations reshaped the face of European civilization.
Most significantly, Victoria was a queen determined to retain political power, yet unwillingly and unwittingly she presided over the transformation of the sovereign’s political role into a ceremonial one and thus preserved the British monarchy. When Victoria became queen, the political role of the crown was by no means clear; nor was the permanence of the throne itself. When she died and her son Edward VII moved from Marlborough House to Buckingham Palace, the change was one of social rather than of political focus; there was no doubt about the monarchy’s continuance. That was the measure of her reign.
Lineage and early life
On the death in 1817 of Princess Charlotte, daughter of the prince regent (later George IV), there was no surviving legitimate offspring of George III’s 15 children. In 1818, therefore, three of his sons, the dukes of Clarence, Kent, and Cambridge, married to provide for the succession. The winner in the race to father the next ruler of Britain was Edward, duke of Kent, fourth son of George III. His only child was christened Alexandrina Victoria. After his death and George IV’s accession in 1820, Victoria became third in the line of succession to the throne after the duke of York (died 1827) and the duke of Clarence (subsequently William IV), whose own children died in infancy.
Victoria, by her own account, “was brought up very simply,” principally at Kensington Palace, where her closest companions, other than her German-born mother, the duchess of Kent, were her half sister, Féodore, and her governess, Louise (afterward the Baroness) Lehzen, a native of Coburg. An important father figure to the orphaned princess was her uncle Leopold, her mother’s brother, who lived at Claremont, near Esher, Surrey, until he became king of the Belgians in 1831.
Victoria’s childhood was made increasingly unhappy by the machinations of the duchess of Kent’s advisor, Sir John Conroy. In control of the pliable duchess, Conroy hoped to dominate the future queen of Britain as well. Persuaded by Conroy that the royal dukes, “the wicked uncles,” posed a threat to her daughter, the duchess reared Victoria according to “the Kensington system,” by which she and Conroy systematically isolated Victoria from her contemporaries and her father’s family. Conroy thus aimed to make the princess dependent on and easily led by himself. Izotope rx7 trial.

Strong-willed, and supported by Lehzen, Victoria survived the Kensington system; when she ascended the throne in 1837, she did so alone. Her mother’s actions had estranged her from Victoria and taught the future queen caution in her friendships. Moreover, her retentive memory did not allow her to forgive readily.
- born
- May 24, 1819
Kensington Palace, England

- died
- January 22, 1901 (aged 81)
near Cowes, England
- empress, India (1876-1901)
- queen, United Kingdom (1837-1901)
Napoleon's Achievements And Legacy
- house / dynasty
Victoria 2 Napoleon S Legacy
- spouse Albert, Prince Consort
- father Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathern, Earl of Dublin
- daughter Victoria
- son Edward VII