Skyrim Special Edition Npc

NPC NameNPC CodeEditor Name
Acolyte Jenssen000D3E79AcolyteJenssen
AddictDragonborn DLC Code + 008D7ADLC1dunRedwaterDenAddict4
Adelaisa Vendicci0001411DAdelaisa
Adonato Leotelli0001413CAdonatoLeotelli
Adrianne Avenicci00013BB9AdrianneAvenicci
Adril AranoDawnguard DLC Code + 018280DLC2RRAdrilArano
Aduri Sarethi00019BFFAduriSarethi
AdventurerDragonborn DLC Code + 0146DCDLC1ArkngthamzAdventurer
AdventurerDawnguard DLC Code + 018D93DLC2dunGyldenhulAdventurer
AdventurerDragonborn DLC Code + 0146D7DLC1LD_BookCorpse1
AdventurerDragonborn DLC Code + 00CFBDDLC1LD_BookCorpse2
Aela the Huntress0001A696AelaTheHuntress
AetaDawnguard DLC Code + 018FCADLC2SVAeta
Affable Gent000FC198WarehouseNPCWAllAmbush
Afflicted Devotee00043AB8DA13encAfflicted
Afflicted Refugee000BEDE5DA13LvlAfflictedMelee1HWERefugee
Afflicted Remnants000BEDE3DA13LvlAfflictedMelee1HWERemnants
Afflicted Remnants000BEDE4DA13LvlAfflictedWizardWERemnants
Agent Lorcalin000DD99EdunPOITundra_LvlThalmor01
AgmaerDragonborn DLC Code + 00336EDLC1Agmaer
AhlamDragonborn DLC Code + 005A9BDLC1TestAngry
AhzidalDawnguard DLC Code + 0248E9DLC2AcolyteAhzidal
Aia Arria0001325CAiaArria
Aicantar's Spider0005CF36dunMarkarthWizard_Spider
AkarDawnguard DLC Code + 01F9C3DLC2dunFrostmoonAkar
Alain Dufont0001B074AlainDufont
Albino SpiderDawnguard DLC Code + 0145C5DLC2ExpSpiderAlbino
Albino SpiderDawnguard DLC Code + 017074DLC2ExpSpiderAlbinoFriend
Albino SpiderDawnguard DLC Code + 01926CDLC2ExpSpiderAlbinoEMPTY
Alduin [A Blade In The Dark]00032D9DMQ106Alduin
Alduin [Alduin's Bane]0004377FMQ206AncientAlduin
Alduin [Alduin's Bane]0004424AMQ206Alduin
Alduin [Dragonslayer?]0004E9BCMQ304Alduin
Alduin [Unbound]00032B94MQ101Alduin
Alea Quintus0002E3EFDB02Captive2
AlesanHearthfire DLC Code + 00403CBYOHUrchin_Alesan
Alexia Vici00060B29AlexiaVici
Alfhild Battle-Born00013BB0AlfhildBattleBorn
Alik'r Warrior0010F5AAMS08AlikrKematuGuard03
Alik'r Warrior00108CF5MS08AlikrWarriorWhiterun02
Alik'r Warrior00055FB2MS08AlikrWarriorWhiterun
Alik'r Warrior00020071MS08AlikrWarrior
Alik'r Warrior0010F5A1MS08AlikrKematuGuard02
Alik'r Warrior00058B3FMS08AlikrKematuGuard
Alik'r Warrior0006762EEncAlikr00Template
Alpha Wolf0009931Ae3DemoAlphaWolf
AlvideDragonborn DLC Code + 0198B6DLC1RefugeeAlvide
Amaund Motierre0003B43AAmaundMotierre
Amaund Motierre0004E64FAmaundMotierreEnd
Ambarys Rendar0001413EAmbarysRendar
AncarionDawnguard DLC Code + 01CAF3DLC2SV02Ancarion
Ancient DragonDawnguard DLC Code + 03D5C0DLC2EncDragon05FrostNoScript_MQ06
Ancient Dragon000F811EEncDragon05Frost
Ancient Dragon000F811CEncDragon05Fire
Ancient DragonDawnguard DLC Code + 03D5BFDLC2EncDragon05FireNoScript_MQ06
Ancient DragonbornDawnguard DLC Code + 0265AAdlc2DBAncientDragonborn
Ancient Frost AtronachDragonborn DLC Code + 015139DLC1_BF_FrostAtronachBoss01
Ancient Frost AtronachDragonborn DLC Code + 01513CDLC1_BF_FrostAtronachBoss04
Ancient Frost AtronachDragonborn DLC Code + 01513BDLC1_BF_FrostAtronachBoss03
Ancient Frost AtronachDragonborn DLC Code + 01513ADLC1_BF_FrostAtronachBoss02
Ancient Frost AtronachDragonborn DLC Code + 015138DLC1_BF_FrostAtronachBossTemplate
Ancient Frost AtronachDragonborn DLC Code + 01513DDLC1_BF_FrostAtronachBoss05
Ancient VampireDragonborn DLC Code + 017F8BDLC1EncVampire05DarkElfF
Ancient Vampire00033851EncVampire05Template
Ancient VampireDragonborn DLC Code + 017F8ADLC1EncVampire05BretonF
Ancient VampireDragonborn DLC Code + 017F8CDLC1EncVampire05NordF
Angeline Morrard00013260AngelineMorrard
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He changes the body of the NPCs' Races, uses HDT on breasts, butt and uses SOS for ills. The mod also inserts HDT Hair for both NPCs and Players. In addition he also inserts HDT Outfits, Capes and Cloaks. But the mod is for Skyrim LE and not for Special Edition. Grab a mod that already edited that NPCs appearance if it's out there. One of the reasons l want a 'edit npcs face' mod is so l can make said face a preset useing race menu. Example:l see a bandit that has a nice face,use the mod added thing, save her face in race menu. So your subjestion is not really usefull in my case (also l do have mods that make npcs look diffrent,l just might want to. Bijin NPCs SE Seranaholic Valerica AI Overhaul SSE Bijin All in One 2019 Pandorable's NPCs Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn I use the all the above mods in my current play through to overhaul all NPC's without any issues (except for AI Overhaul SSE which just modifies NPC behaviors). Do note that the mods should be.

NPC (Non-Player Character) is a generic term for all humanoids (of various races), other than you, that are encountered while playing Skyrim.

The difference between NPCs and other creatures is somewhat blurry in Skyrim. One key difference is in trapping their souls: NPC souls cannot be trapped into ordinary Soul Gems; only Black Soul Gems or Azura's Star (Black) can be used.

Classes are still used by NPCs, despite being inaccessible to you.

For NPCs added by the Dragonborn expansion, see this page. Ethiopian building code standard pdf.

  • 4NPC Statistics

Named NPCs[edit]

There are many named NPCs in Skyrim. These people are all listed on the People page. All quest-givers, trainers, and merchants in the game, as well most of the people in cities and towns are named characters.

Some named characters are deemed to be Essential ('unkillable'). If these characters are attacked, they will fall to their knees and surrender when they near zero Health. After a few minutes, they will rise up with full health, and will reengage their enemies until the latter parties are dead or out of the area. Protected characters, on the other hand, can be attacked and killed by you but not by NPCs (however, a bug means that poisons can kill even Protected characters). Most NPCs can be killed, but there may be consequences later.

Special categories include:

Generic NPCs[edit]

Skyrim Special Edition Npc Editor

There are also many generic NPCs in the game, most of which are randomly generated. If one dies for whatever reason, the game will eventually generate a new random replacement.

Skyrim Special Edition Npc

Xcom 2 launcher. Friendly NPCs include:

Enemy NPCs include:

  • WerewolvesDG

Various other humanoid enemies (e.g., Falmer, Dragon Priests, Hagravens) are not NPCs, meaning they do not have black souls.

Console IDs[edit]

All characters in the game have two distinct FormIDs that can be used in conjunction with console commands: a BaseID and a RefID. Most console commands will accept only one of the two types of IDs: the BaseID is generally used in cases where you want to spawn a new copy of an object, whereas the RefID is generally used in cases where you want to interact with an existing copy of an object. The BaseID points or refers to the immutable prototype or template of an object; the RefID points or refers to the actual in-game working copy of the object.

Although this RefID/BaseID distinction exists for all objects in the game, it is particularly important for all of the game's unique NPCs. Most of the game scripts use RefIDs (via the associated EditorID) to control unique NPCs. This means that if you use the placeatme <BaseID> command to spawn a new copy (with a new RefID) of, for example, Esbern, the new copy of Esbern will be ignored by most of the quest scripts. Your clone may have the correct dialogues and appearance, but many quest updates triggered by Esbern will not be triggered by your clone.

Therefore, when using the console with unique NPCs you should always avoid the placeatme command. All of this site's NPC pages provide the NPC's RefID, as long as the ID is not randomly generated, which should be used to locate or modify the existing copy of the NPC. For example, to move a missing NPC to your location, use:

  • prid <RefId>
  • moveto player

If the NPC is not visible after those commands, then the character may have been disabled, so type:

Skyrim Special Edition Npc

Or if the character is dead:

  • resurrect 1

If you would prefer to move your character to the location of an NPC (instead of vice versa), you can instead use the command:

  • player.moveto <RefId>

NPC Statistics[edit]

The behavior of an NPC is controlled by a variety of NPC-specific statistics.

Skyrim Special Edition Npc


There are four possible values for aggression. Together with the faction relationship combat modifier this governs whether the NPC initiates combat [1].

  • 0: Unaggressive. Attacks nobody unless provoked.
  • 1: Aggressive. Attacks enemies on sight.
  • 2: Very Aggressive. Attacks enemies and neutral on sight.
  • 3: Frenzied. Attacks anybody on sight.


Assistance determines whether an NPC will help in combat.

Skyrim Special Edition Npcs

  • 0: Will not help anyone.
  • 1: Will only help Allies.
  • 2: Will help Friends and Allies.


There are five possible values for confidence:

Skyrim Special Edition Npc Hair Mod

  • 0: Cowardly. Always flees from battle at low health
  • 1: Cautious. Attacks only lower level enemies.
  • 2: Average. Avoids higher level creatures.
  • 3: Brave. Attacks unless being outmatched by the opponent.
  • 4: Foolhardy. Attacks any type of enemy and fights to the death.


Morality determines whether or not an NPC will commit various crimes, and controls whether or not a follower will agree to do certain requested actions. There are four possible values for morality:

Skyrim Special Edition Npc Overhaul

  • 0: Any Crime. NPC is willing to commit any requested crime.
  • 1: Violence Against Enemies. NPC is willing to commit violence against enemies, as well as property crimes. NPC is not willing to attack innocent people.
  • 2: Property Crime Only. The only crimes the NPC will commit are property crimes (i.e., theft).
  • 3: No Crime. NPC is not willing to commit any crimes. Followers with this morality will still not report crimes that they witness you committing (with the exception of crimes against them, such as stealing items owned by the follower).


  • If you complete one or more of an NPC's quests, they will often greet you by saying 'You've been a good friend to me. That means something.' or another similar phrase indicating their affection. This conveys certain benefits, such as allowing you to take some low value items from their dwelling, or making some NPCs available to become a follower or spouse.

See Also[edit]

  • Generic Dialogue — A list of dialogue that is not unique to a particular NPC.
  • Unused NPCs — A list of all NPCs that were not implemented in the final game.
Skyrim Special Edition Npc

Skyrim Special Edition Npc Base Id

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