How To Install Arcane Dimensions

Getting Started

After activating your theme, visit the Customizer to set up the basic theme settings, such as background color, custom header, site logo, or custom menu.


How To Install Arcane Dimensions

Leveling, xp, ranks, voice, role rewards, auto mod, reaction roles and Youtube alerts. Combines features from Dyno, MEE6, and other bots. Sock has just released the latest version of Arcane Dimensions. From Sock's website: This download contains all the previous maps, some new extra code and features, lots of bug fixes, some new mapper features (check documentation) and as a final bonus, a couple of extra maps hidden away in the main map hubs, good hunting! I open up QSS, type 'game ad', start a new game and when I look in the console, I see 'Info Arcane Dimensions v1.70 Patch 1'. The result is the HUD doesn't display properly and although I can load the two news maps, they don't display/run properly.

Required Plugin

Jetpack is required plugin for Arcane WordPress theme. Jetpack is comprehensive and free plugin by which provides several features under one roof. You need to install and activate the Jetpack plugin in order to use the supported modules.

For Example:

  • Featured Content
  • Site Logo
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Many More…

Site Logo

Go to Customizer → Site Title, Tagline & Logo to add your site logo.

Check out this guide for full details on how to set up a site logo.

Featured Content

Arcane includes an eye-catching featured content area on the home page. Capture your visitors’ attention and lead them to specific posts or pages.

Here are some tips to help you get the featured content set up.

  1. Go to Customizer → Featured Content and add the featured tag, or a tag of your choice. Arcane supports twelve posts or pages in its featured content area.
  2. Create or edit a post or page you wish to feature. Assign the special tag from step one to this post or page.
  3. Set a Featured Image for your post or page. Use big and beautiful featured images for the featured content area.
  4. Publish or Update the post or page.

By default, the Featured Content posts will not appear with your regular posts. This is to avoid displaying the posts twice.

You can change this by going to Customizer → Featured Content, and checking the box labeled “Display tag content in all listings.”

Theme Options

You’ll find Arcane’s theme options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options.

General Options

You’ll find Arcane’s general options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → General Options.

1. Theme Style

Use Arcane‘s wide style or personalize it with beautiful backgrounds using the boxed style.

Wide Style
Arcane will cover the full screen width in wide-layout mode. Any background color or background image will not be visible using wide-layout mode.

Box Style
Arcane will wrap the content in a box. This option is best if you want to use a background color or background image for your website.

2. Main Sidebar Position

Arcane displays the main sidebar on the right or left side, as long as it contains widgets.

3. Featured Image Position

Arcane theme has two featured image positions.


Arcane will display featured images in alternating positions with this option. The first post’s featured image will be to the left of post title and the second post’s featured image will be to the right of post title, and so on.


Featured images of all posts will be arranged to the left of post title with this option.

4. Show Excerpt

You can show/hide excerpt by using this option.

5. Enable Sticky Menu

Arcane dimensions mod

You can choose to make the header custom menu sticky, so visitors can always access the menu while they scroll down the screen. This option can be enabled via the “Enable Sticky Menu” option.

6. Enable Sticky Sidebar

You can make the Arcane‘s sidebar sticky by enabling this option. This useful feature ensures that the sidebar remains visible while the user scrolls down to read long content.

Skin Options

You’ll find Arcane’s skin options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Skin Options.

1. Primary Color

Use Arcane‘s primary color to personalize it with your favorite color.

2. Secondary Color

Use Arcane‘s secondary color to personalize it with your favorite font.

Fonts Options

You’ll find Arcane’s fonts options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → Fonts Options.

1. Headings Font

Use Arcane‘s headings font to personalize it with your favorite font.

2. Body Font

Use Arcane‘s body font to personalize it with your favorite font.

WooCommerce Options

Alchemy synth download. You’ll find Arcane’s WooCommerce options in the Customizer, under Customizer → Theme Options → WooCommerce Options.

Featured Images

Arcane supports Featured Images on blog posts and pages. They appear near the title on the blog index and archive pages. For best results, use an image at least 730px wide and 836px high.

If you upload larger Featured Images or images with different proportions, they will be automatically resized to match the required dimensions.


Arcane has several built-in typography features to enhance your blogging experience. Please visit the links in order to know how to use them.


Arcane has given special attention on blockquotes to enhance your blogging experience. Please visit the links in order to know how to use them.

Lists and Code

Arcane supports lists and code professionally to enhance your blogging experience. Please visit the links in order to know how to use them.


Arcane has different style of tables in order to enhance your blogging experience. Please visit the links in order to know how to use them.

CSS3 Multiple Columns

Arcane supports modern feature of CSS3 Multiple Columns in order to enhance your blogging experience. Please visit the links in order to know how to use them.

Add a Custom Header Image

Add a Custom Header image by going to Customizer → Header. Your uploaded image should be at least 150px tall. The width should be at least 1920px to provide a visually crisp background.

Add a Custom Background Image or Color

Add a Custom Background via Customizer → Background. You must choose the Box Layout in the Customizer’s Theme Options area to see background colors or images.

Custom Menus

Arcane allows you to have two Custom Menus, which can be set under Customizer → Menus.

Select the Primary Menu location in the Menu Settings to display your Custom Menu in the header.

Select the Secondary Menu location in the Menu Settings to display your Custom Menu in the footer.

Social Links Menus

Arcane allows you to display links to your social media profiles — like Twitter and Facebook — as icons using a Social Links Menu in two locations.

Select Social Links Header Menu location in the Menu Settings to display Social Links Menu in the header.

Select Social Links Footer Menu location in the Menu Settings to display Social Links Menu in the footer.

Read the full guide for setup instructions.

Available Icons

Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your menu.

  • CodePen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • FourSquare
  • GetPocket
  • GitHub
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Email (mailto: links)
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
  • Spotify
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress
  • YouTube

Widget Areas

Arcane comes with four widget areas: one in the sidebar, and up to three in the footer. The footer widget areas will activate once you add widgets to them in Customizer → Widgets.

Custom Widgets

Arcane features two custom widgets:

Arcane: Post List

The Post List widget displays posts alongside a small Featured Image. Go to Customizer → Widgets to use the Arcane: Post List widget.

Arcane: Post Carousel

The Post Carousel widget displays the posts in a rotating slideshow with Featured Images. Go to Customizer → Widgets to use the Arcane: Post Carousel widget.

  • 1How do I obtain the DUSK SDK?

How do I obtain the DUSK SDK?[edit]


If you purchased DUSK through Steam, you can access the SDK through the dusk_sdk branch.

In order to access this branch, locate DUSK in your Steam library and enter its properties menu by right clicking on it.

Once you have opted into the dusk_sdk branch as pictured above, Steam will begin downloading the SDK.

In order to launch the SDK, play DUSK via the green 'PLAY' button on Steam and choose 'Launch Dusk SDK'.

Note that launching the game through the downloads tab or through a desktop shortcut will not launch the SDK.

Alternatively, you may navigate to the game directory and run dusk_win.bat in the SDK folder.

If you notice a brand new 'Modding' option at the main menu, then you have successfully launched the SDK.


If you purchased DUSK through GOG, you can access the SDK through a private channel named SDK.

Locate DUSK in your GOG library and navigate to Manage Installation -> Configure.

You should now see an option to enable beta channels. If you are running GOG Galaxy 2.0, navigate to the Installation tab and choose 'Change private channel password', which can be found in the beta channels dropdown. When prompted, enter oohagiantbarn.

The SDK private channel should now be available to you. Once you have installed it, you may launch the SDK by navigating to the game's installation folder and running dusk_win.bat inside the SDK folder.

What can I do with the SDK?[edit]

Currently the Dusk SDK can be used to create and load custom levels and replace most sounds and textures. Replacing models, music, all sounds/textures, scripting etc are all planned at a future time.

Where do I find mods?[edit]

Dusk mods can be found on and the Dusk ModDB page. For more information join the New Blood Discord. You can also check out the Dusk subreddit

How do I make maps?[edit]

Any map editor capable of exporting Quake-Half-life .bsps should be compatible with Dusk. TrenchBroom is the officially suggested mapping software.

Configuring TrenchBroom for DUSK[edit]

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How do I assemble my mod?[edit]

Arcane Dimensions Mod

  1. Create a folder in SDK/mnt/local/ and name it whatever you want your mod to show up as in the in-game menu.
  2. Inside that folder, textures/sounds/maps should be placed in corresponding folders named texturessounds and maps.
  3. If you want sounds and textures to replace the default ones, name them the same thing as the corresponding sound/texture found in SDK/mnt/local/sounds/ or SDK/mnt/local/textures/ (the file extension needs to be the same as well).
  4. Make sure to activate the mod in the modding menu.
  5. See 'Running Mods' for information on how to load mods/maps.

How do I run Quake maps?[edit]

Quake maps can be found inside [Quake install location]/id1/PAK0.PAK and [Quake install location]/id1/PAK1.PAK. To extract them, you will need a program such as Pak Explorer or Slade3.

  1. Create a folder in [DUSK install location]/mnt/local/ named 'quake maps' (although this can be named whatever you want).
  2. Place Quake's palette.lmp file here, and create a new folder named 'maps' (this CANNOT be named whatever you want).
  3. Place your Quake maps inside that folder.
  4. Run the Dusk SDK (for more information see 'How do I get the SDK?' above).
  5. On the main menu click 'modding' and ensure 'quake maps' (or whatever you've named it) is enabled.
  6. Back out of the 'modding' menu and click 'campaign' then 'custom level.'
  7. Select the map you wish to play from the list, choose your difficulty, and have fun!

Note that some entities and functionality from Quake are yet to be implemented, or still require improvement.

How do I run Half-life maps?[edit]

Half-life maps can be found in the [Half-life install location]/valve/maps/ folder and do not need a special program to be extracted. Anything with a '.bsp' extension is a map.

How To Install Arcane Dimensions Build

  1. Create a folder in [DUSK install location]/mnt/local/ named 'half-life maps' (although this can be named whatever you want).
  2. Create a new folder inside this named 'maps' (this CANNOT be named whatever you want).
  3. Place your Half-life maps inside that folder.
  4. Run the Dusk SDK (for more information see 'How do I get the SDK?' above).
  5. On the main menu click 'modding' and ensure 'half-life maps' (or whatever you've named it) is enabled.
  6. Back out of the 'modding' menu and click 'campaign' then 'custom level.'
  7. Select the map you wish to play from the list, choose your difficulty, and have fun!

Many Half-life maps also require accompanying wad files for textures. These can be found in the [Half-life install location]/valve/ folder. Copy everything with a '.wad' extension and paste them into your 'half-life maps' folder (or whatever you've named it). Note that these should be in the same folder as 'maps,' NOT in the 'maps' folder itself.

Note that many entities and most functionality from Half-life are yet to be implemented or are only partially implemented. Also note that Dusk does not currently support Half-life style level transitions, so entering any level transition trigger will cause the end level screen to be displayed and the next level to be loaded anew.

Can I run user maps made for Quake/Half-life?[edit]

In most cases, yes. Dusk should be able to load user maps for Quake/Half-life using the respective methods outlined above. However this is highly dependent on the map in question, and we can't guarantee compatibility. Also note that larger Quake maps such as those in Arcane Dimensions and Wrath can technically be loaded but currently experience significant issues.

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