Good Things Hitler Did Reddit

Before he was the Fuhrer, he was a Gefreiter in the Imperial German Army, a rank equivalent to Lance Corporal. Before he was a nationalist, he was a painter, documenting the everyday life on the battlefield.

Many on social media have criticized a portion of her answer in which Owens comments, 'if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay fine.' Hitler was not the first, nor will he be the last despot this Earth will see. Perhaps that we should not try to explain away Fascism as an acceptable fringe movement when it gains traction. We accept the fact that seemingly good, rational and even religious people will sometimes blindly support evil, with a near cult-like belief that it is.

Adolf Hitler survived the First World War describing it as “the greatest of all experiences”. He was appointed as a dispatch runner for the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16. Even though his position was a rather fortunate one, since he spent most of his time in the headquarters, he was wounded several times and given the Iron Cross, 1st and 2nd class and a Black Wound Badge.

Dec 31, 2014 10 Good Things about Hitler you didnt know. Article by Jayasmita Ray, December 31, 2014. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria and spent his childhood there, nicknamed as “Adi”. He dreamed of becoming an artist but did not pass the entrance exam in Vienna. 10 Good Things about Hitler you didnt know. Article by Jayasmita Ray, December 31, 2014. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria and spent his childhood there, nicknamed as “Adi”. He dreamed of becoming an artist but did not pass the entrance exam in Vienna. Theoretically, Hitler himself could have been sent back in time using Die Glocke to found the Nazi Party, ensuring that Die Glocke would be built to send him back in time 13. We move from science fiction to pure conspiracy theory here, with accusations that the Nazis are somehow linked to the creation of aspartame.

After the war, he nurtured the image of a disappointed foot soldier, an image which many Germans in the immediate post-war period could relate to. These are the ten events that laid the foundation for his rise to power and his role in the biggest conflict in history.

1 – Treaty of Versailles

The start of the rise of Hitler was the peace treaty signed in Versailles in 1919, which served as a severe punishment for the German involvement in the First World War. The treaty stripped Germany of all its colonies in Africa and the Far East. A large part of European German territory was given to France and Belgium.

Due to reparation agreements, the most developed industrial regions – the Ruhr and Saar – were occupied by the French. The treaty also included large limitation on the German Army, which has turned the Imperial Army into a symbolic interior peace-keeping force.

These circumstances caused mass unemployment and hyperinflation. Also, after the Great War, Germans felt humiliated by their historic enemies, the French, who had designed the peace agreement. Hate and despair were looming across the remnants of an empire, and the situation provided fertile ground for a dictatorship .

2 – The Stab in the Back Myth

Good things hitler did for germany

The harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles helped create a conspiracy theory that became widely accepted among Germans. The Stab in the Back myth said that the Army wasn’t to blame for losing the war, but the workers led by Bolsheviks and Jews.

Hundreds of worker strikes were held in Germany in the period of 1916-1918, due to hunger and general discontent on the home front, this was merely a consequence of the exhausting war effort which was bleeding the country dry. The nationalists blamed the politicians for signing the capitulation on November 11th, 1918, calling them the November Traitors.

Hitler used the myth to spread hatred towards Jews and political adversaries alike, as the National-Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) grew larger in numbers, under the leadership of Anton Drexler. Drexler was Hitler’s mentor and a political father-figure in his early days. They gathered the disbanded soldiers without a job and angry citizens of all classes, reviving old Germanic legends and historical accomplishments that evoked pride towards the nation and hatred towards the foreigners, so-called traitors, and outsiders of any kind.

3 – The Bavarian Republic/The Spartacus Uprising

The year 1919 was marked by civil unrest across Europe, but especially in Germany. The country transformed into a post-war republic with its capital in the city of Weimar. The Weimar Republic was created with the sponsorship of the winning side to guarantee the decisions Treaty of Versailles. The Republic’s leadership was in an ungrateful position of preserving order in a country that was under constant threat of a civil war between radical groups – left and right alike.

In January 1919, the leftist organization – The Spartacist League, tried to violently take power in Berlin with deadly consequences. The revolt was crushed by the police and German paramilitary called the Freikorps. A similar thing happened in Munich that same year, with the forming of the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic.

At that time, Hitler had already infiltrated the NSDAP and was known for his rowdy antisemitic and anti-Marxist speeches mobilizing the popular discontent for his own gain while the left elements were slowly losing their momentum after a series of failed revolutions.

4 – The Beerhall Putsch

Good Things Hitler Did Reddit

In 1921, Hitler became the head of the NSDAP and in 1923, he attempted a coup in Munich that shook the foundations of the Weimar Republic. Burgerbraukeller was the famous beer hall in Munich in which the riots started. The putsch was inspired by the March on Rome, a coup that landed Benito Mussolini in power only a year earlier. The Party already had a military wing called SA – Storm Detachment.

They had about 600 SA members surrounding the beer hall and a machine set up in the auditorium. Hitler declared a national revolution in the hall and called everyone to join him, in a hostage-like situation, since there was a machine gun behind him. About 2,000 people gathered in support of the Nazi Party and they headed to the Munich main square Marienplatz where he gave an inflammatory speech ending it with a sentence:

“Either the German revolution begins tonight or we will all be dead by dawn!”

The response came quickly but not as bloody as the earlier uprisings in Berlin and Munich. In the last attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government, the putschists marched to the Ministry of Defense, where they were met by a force of 130 armed soldiers. After a short skirmish, 16 Nazi supporters were dead and Hitler was lightly wounded. The Bavarian Army lost 4 soldiers.

Hitler was arrested, and a trial was held in which he had yet another chance to practice his speaking skills. The judges were pro-Nazi oriented and he was sentenced to five years but got out only a year later. Leading figures of other coup attempts like the Spartacus uprising were all shot for treason. This shows that Hitler had a huge amount of sympathy from the ruling elites.

In the meantime, in prison, he wrote his manifesto, Mein Kampf. The putsch was a Nazi propaganda victory that turned the nation’s attention to Munich and Hitler.

5 – The Financial Crisis, 1929

The Great Depression was a serious blow to Germany’s already unstable economy. Widespread unemployment reached 25% as every sector was hurt. The government did not increase government spending to deal with Germany’s growing crisis, as they were afraid that a high-spending policy could lead to a return of the hyperinflation that had affected Germany in 1923. Germany’s Weimar Republic was hit hard by the depression, as American loans to help rebuild the German economy now stopped.

A change in the government was inevitable. The Weimar government was ineffective, and the people considered Hitler to be the leader capable of regaining Germany’s former glory. X plane 10 mac crack download. In the meantime, his antisemitic propaganda had affected the population to a significant extent, and he was preparing to shift his politics from the streets into the parliament.

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6 – German Referendum 1929

The German referendum of 1929 was held to vote on the “Law against the Enslavement of the German People,” which referred to the famous Treaty of Versailles and it denounced all its decisions by the German people and government. The referendum was very favorable to the Nazi Party and again won them public attention, since Hitler was the loudest opponent of the treaty signed in 1919. “Adolf Hitler” by this time became a well-known name in every household in Germany.

In addition to this, he made an important step in campaigning with the more mainstream right-wing political parties with whom he formed a coalition to see the referendum through. This gave him a wider support as he was recognized by the more traditional nationalist voters.

The referendum itself had very low voter turnout, at only 14 %, but 94% of those voters were in favor of denouncing the treaty. Nevertheless, the turnout wasn’t enough for the referendum to pass and this event proved to be yet another victory for Hitler and raised his profile, with no real consequences in German politics. Microsoft purple palace game download torrent.

7 – German Federal Reichstag election 1930

In 1930, Federal elections the Nazi Party showed considerable growth earning 107 seats out of 577 in the Reichstag (German Parliament). The party which held the most seats was the Social Democrat Party, but the Nazis were gaining ground in state affairs. The other important fact is that the traditional nationalist party, DNVP, which was an alliance of nationalists, reactionary monarchists, völkisch, and antisemitic elements lost its influence in the Reichstag and it slowly fragmented, as its supporters stood behind Hitler, whom they saw as their new leader.

8 – Hitler uber Deutschland – the election 1932

On 13th of March, 1932, Adolf Hitler became the main opposition candidate to Paul von Hindenburg in the elections. Hindenburg was an aging war hero who was appointed president in 1925. This was to be Hindenburg’s second seven-year term, but his real political power faded as he himself became disappointed with the Weimar Republic. In the end, he remained president, only because of the grudging support of the Social Democrats, who were keen on keeping him in the office, just to deny that right to Hitler.

Hitler’s rhetoric was often pointed directly against the Social Democrats, who leaned towards the left-wing politics at that time. Hindenburg thought he could rely on Hitler, who came second in the elections and appointed him Chancellor of Germany. At this point, Hitler was a popular figure who had the support of conservative politicians, huge industrialists, soldiers, and workers alike.

He incorporated the idea of technological progress into his concept of racial purity as he saw Germany as the leading force in Europe, opposed to the primitive peoples of other races. He justified colonialism and slavery, as he believed that one nation is superior to all others. His campaign during the elections was marked by hate-filled speeches, which anticipated his future politics.

He also became known as the first politician to utilize the airplane as a fast means of transport from one rally to another, across the country. The campaign was popularly known as “Hitler above Germany” because of his flights and a record number of political rallies.

9 – The Reichstag Fire or Nero burning Rome

The Reichstag fire occurred on February 27th, 1933. It was an arson attack on the building of the German parliament, known as the Reichstag. The event is recognized as pivotal for the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany. Just weeks earlier, Adolf Hitler was preparing to push through the Enabling act as a Chancellor of Germany, that would give him extraordinary powers to deal with his political adversaries in an undemocratic way.

During the elections in 1932, he had already begun a propaganda campaign claiming that the communists were preparing a revolution in Germany. This claim improved his image with the middle classes who had reasons to fear revolution and the confiscation of property that follows.

On the evening of the fire, a young Dutch communist, Marinus Van Lubbe, was arrested, and he confessed he was the culprit. After the arrest of Van Lubbe, three more Bulgarian communists were imprisoned as accomplices.


Among them was a high ranking Comintern agent, Georgi Dimitrov. The Bulgarians were set free, but Van Lubbe was executed. The fire gave wings to Hitler as he now had proof that the communists were plotting against the state. The event remains a mystery to this day, as most historians claim that Van Lubbe acted alone while some of them think that it was a false flag operation conducted by the Nazis to gain complete control and deal with their main political opponents in unconstitutional ways.

10 – The Banning of Political Competition

After the Reichstag fire, Hitler had initiated the EnablingAct. He was now capable of enacting laws without the consent of the other parties in the parliament for four years. These laws could in some cases even deviate from the constitution. It was absolute power for Hitler, from this point on. Having achieved full control over the legislative and executive branches of government, Hitler and his allies began to suppress the remaining opposition.

The Social Democratic Party was banned and its assets seized. While many trade union delegates were in Berlin for May Day activities, SA stormtroopers demolished union offices around the country. On 2nd of May 1933, all trade unions were forced to dissolve, and their leaders were arrested.

Some were sent to concentration camps. The German Labour Front was formed as an umbrella organization to represent all workers, administrators, and company owners, thus reflecting the concept of national socialism in the spirit of Hitler’s Volksgemeinschaft (“people’s community”).

After banning the political left in the country, Hitler turned against his coalition partners, the nationalists from the DNVP, making their influence minimal. The next step was a purge among his own ranks in the SA. The SA saw itself as Hitler’s paramilitary organization, that should be granted more political and military power. But an autocratic leader couldn’t let anyone get in his way, so he removed the entire SA leadership, crowning his decision with the execution of Ernst Rohm, the official leader of the SA.

At that point, Germany was firmly in his grip, and he could focus on foreign policy and the final dismantling of the Treaty of Versaille.

Hitler’s obsessive hate for Jews still remains a popular debatable topic among the historians. Evil like the one Hitler stood for is inexplicable. His anti-Semitism, ill opinion about Jews and many other reasons clearly suggest that he was insane and an abnormal man (if you’d like to call him that). Hitler’s hatred for Jews brought about the holocaust post WW I. Millions were slaughtered whom he considered infected people; whom he held responsible for every evil there ever was. It’s not easy to confirm the reasons behind his compulsive hate. You would require reading a pile of books before you realize that there was not even a single good reason. But, there were reasons in Hitler’s mind. Here are the 10 reasons that historians believe why Hitler hated Jews:

10. Jew and communists influences:

Most of the Germans were second-rate thinkers at Hitler’s time. Hitler was against the class war principles of communist ideology, which were highly influenced from Marx and Engels. Hitler associated every Jew with people who supported Marxist class-war theory. The division among Germans in the anarchic conditions after World War I fueled Hitler’s hate for Jews.

9. Great economical recession:


Hitler held Jews responsible for the great depression in Germany as they controlled many important merchandises and expert fields. He successfully incited the fellow Germans, making it a dramatic issue. Jews weren’t hit hard by recession as they were wealthy. To Hitler, it appeared as gross injustice that had to be revenged.

A Poor Family in Berlin during the 1920s.


8. Jews as the reason of defeat in World War I:

According to a newly published book titled “November 9: How World War One Led to the Holocaust,” core reason for Hitler’s hatred was the defeat of Germany in World War I. Author Joachim Riecker claimed in the book that Hitler blamed the Jews for shameful defeat of the country. He also held Jews responsible for the collapse of the monarchy and ruination in Germany. Hitler believed they were poisoning the nation from inside.

An antisemitic cartoon suggesting that the German army was stabbed in the back

7. Early Influence of anti-Semitic literature:

Hitler wasn’t a very educated man. But, his intentions & actions were stimulated by inspiration drawn from the traditional anti-Semitic literature, which at that time preached that Jews were responsible for ‘every’ evil. Under the influence of some leaders and literature, he conceived many stereotypic beliefs such as – Jews are disloyal, untrustworthy, and not capable of being true Germans citizens.

A page from an antisemitic children’s book entitled ‘The Poisonous Mushroom’, published by Julius Streicher, the publisher of Der Stürmer (The Attacker).

6. Hitler’s childhood:

Historians and other sources collide on the question of Hitler’s childhood and family background. Historians claim Hitler to be a Jew himself, which his mother never told him about. One such claim mentions that the hatred started taking shape after Hitler’s grandmother died. The doctor, Eduard Bloch, treating her for breast cancer, was a Jew. Some sources hint at his illegitimate identity as his mother worked at the house of a wealthy Jew family. Hitler is also said to have experienced mistreatment while working for Jew families.

5. Brain damage as a soldier:

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Good Things Hitler Did For Germany

Sources claim that before Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, he moved to Munich and joined German army to become a soldier. While in battlefield during WWI, he is said to have received serious head injuries. Thereafter, he had to quit army and his mental health got worse. Many believe that Hitler was mentally afflicted for having no guilt or humanly emotions at all.

4. Master Race Theory:

Hitler had created a master race theory that preached a doctrine of “purity.” According to him, only white people or people having Nordic features, were worthy of living in Germany. It was his depiction of “Aryans”, which he considered the ‘pure race’ of Germans. Jews were nothing more than a bunch of insects for Hitler. He lashed and eliminated everyone who did not confirm with Nazi policy. He wanted to eliminate the impure races to sustain only the pure race.

3. He believed in Jew conspiracy:


Hitler had a bizarre belief that Jews were conspiring to dominate the world. The clue originated form widely published ‘secret Jewish handbook’ called, “The Protocols of The Elders of Zion”. The book trained the readers to run the Jewish conspiracy. The book is said have false origin and was aimed at completely to create an anti-Jewish propaganda. Hitler did succeed in making his followers believe the Jews had to be killed for they would create a new world order. In actuality, Hitler wanted to create his own version of new world order.

The Protocols of The Elders of Zion

2. He Envied Rich Jews:

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Majority of the merchants were Jewish. They hold all major profitable business entities. Jews claimed respect. They could be found doing ‘only’ white color jobs. Whether Hitler was indeed jealous of the prosperity one community i.e. Jews enjoyed in Germany or not is somewhat controversial but he used it all to his own advantage.

Did Hitler Do Any Good

1. Politics and Nationalism:

What Good Did Hitler Do


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Exploitation of sentiments of Germans on the basis of reviving nationalism was a part of effective politics during the time Hitler prevailed. He had witnessed that politicians utilized the Jews for political gain. He imitated the policy to empower his own political career. Jews made up less than 1% of the German population at that time. However, despite smaller share in population, they had dominated certain relevant fields such as scientific research where Jews even got Noble Prizes; they controlled the finance, arts and literature. Hitler exploited traditional religious antipathy toward the Jews and used them as perfect scapegoat for all of Germany’s problems.

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The Nazis used propaganda to build an image of Hitler as a great leader. Hitler was shown as a man with a great vision. He used his own skills of oratory to appeal to the patriotism of the German people